Im so starting my SIDELINE!

After weeks of bragging Peter from Equalmall about my application to be one of their "retouching team" (actually, Ian's been doing the bragging job for me), I finally have an account. And they finally gave me sets to work on to. That means I'm officially in. I'm so happy. *ear flapping in happiness*.

What's my job? Retouching images of Equalmall models. Stuff like removing eyeluggages, smoothening their skin, extending their legs, ironing digitally their clothes... In short, making them look perfect as much as possible. Ian is in for the job also. He was actually to first one to work with those people, he just referred me to them.

The set they gave was today's just a test set but hopefully later, I'll be earning some Australian dough *fingers crossed*.

1 violent reactions:

lizlee said...

ayus mate!